About me
With a warm heart and a cold head

Róbert Ilosfalvy’s autobiography and the condensed title of his thoughts accompany me throughout my life. I try to live by it both in everyday life and on stage, as a woman, as a person, as a couple, as a friend and in many roles.
I think in today’s world, it is still undervalued if a person can love passionately, concentrate on warm energies, be kind and open, and relate to others with empathy. At the same time, it is a great gift if this is accompanied by sufficient calmness, sobriety, balance, ability to concentrate, ability to take on a challenge, and analytical skills.
Since my childhood, I have been driven by the ancient question of who we are in this world? Of course, the question remains an eternal question, but on the journey to find the answer, I have become richer with so many experiences, people, situations and of course new questions. However, one thing has often been common on this journey of search, and that is none other than: art. How much truth exists in this world! How much music, food, culture, artwork, thoughts from others, about the world, about ourselves, waiting to be discovered… I believe that art contains so many questions and answers that help us on this journey. My curiosity and my belief that we came to this world to constantly evolve drive me to learn more about the world and our role in it every day through art and different cultures.
I remember when I was still in kindergarten, when my parents and I were watching a black-and-white Hungarian film and I asked them: if I become an actress, can I only act in black-and-white films? Maybe it was just a question of childish naivety that stuck in their minds, but for me this question was so important because I wanted to see the world in color, including what I create in myself and around me. Then I remember that Szilvi, the kindergarten teacher, once brought her electric piano to the kindergarten… It was love at first sight and hearing. Maybe it was then and there that I decided that music should accompany me throughout my life.
Everything that interested me came together nicely: piano lessons, elementary music school, choir singing, drama club, then the same during high school, then conservatory classical singing studies, then the same at university level (Pécs and Miskolc), choir conducting diploma (Eger) and acting studies (Budapest Operetta Theatre).
I am currently a member of the Katona József National Theatre in Kecskemét. Previously, I was a member of the Zenthe Ferenc Theatre in Salgótarján, where I found roles such as Mária Amnézia in Don Goggin’s musical The Nuns, Katóka in Zerkovitcz’s operetta Kissing Woman, the title role in Darvas-Csukás’s Ágacskája, or the role of Veronika in Móricz’s play I Can’t Live Without a Song. Alongside this, I am preparing with all my might to continue my studies in the opera master’s degree program, so that my true great passion, opera singing, can also find a place in my life.
Perhaps all of this makes it somewhat clear how important it is for me to search for different truths in more things, in more genres, in more art forms, in more languages, always raising new and new questions. That is why I would like to start my project called cool-tour and continuously develop it, because I think there are so many branches of culture that are worth exploring, be it music, theater, literature, fine arts, gastronomy, clothing, social issues and everything else that fits into the concept of cool-tour.
I hope you’ll join me on the journey! 🙂