
Csókos asszony

Béla Zerkovitz –László Szilágyi

Genre: operetta

role: Kató Pünkösdi

director: Mark Domonkos Kis

You can’t be good just like I can’t be bad.

Józsefváros is celebrating because Kató Pünkösdi, who went from being a foundling on Nagytemplom Street to a prima donna, has achieved great success in the leading role of the operetta The Kissing Lady. And where happiness is such a rarity, they certainly give it a chance, if life does bring it in a way that there is something to celebrate! Kató’s foster father, Kubanek, organizes a lavish dinner, the highlight of which is Dorozsmai Pista, Kató’s love, finally being able to ask for the girl’s hand. Everything seems to be in place for a cloudless continuation, but the extravagant and noisy celebration turns into a scandal in the blink of an eye, because the wedding ring has become the victim of a little night of revelry. And while the ring is nowhere to be found, another man arrives in the poor courtyard of the apartment building, Báró Tarpataky, the wealthy patron, who offers his patronage to Kató.

According to my role, Kató is an orphan girl. She is kind and naive, but not in a pejorative sense, but because she looks for and sees the good in everything and everyone. That is why everyone loves her on Nagytemplom Street and that is why Kató brings success to the whole of Józsefváros in one person. Her big heart, however, really beats for one person: her sweet-and-evil Pistuka. The reason for the greatest heartache is that these two young people with opposite T-shirts are attracted to each other like magnets.

The luxury and glittering life promised by the Baron are truly tempting. But whether love will stand the test and who will fall for whom in the end will be decided by the woman’s heart.

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Nunsense (Apácák)

Don Goggin

genre: musical

role: Maria Amnesia

director: Ági Kökényessy

… for everyone who exalts herself will be humbled, but she who humbles herself will be exalted.

Five nuns – after learning what happened in the convent – are forced to put together a show to earn some money. In the process, a little bit of everything is revealed about each of them, while we get to know the sisters’ vulnerability, see into their everyday lives and get a taste of their humor.

My character: Mária Amnézia, a pretty telling name. I don’t remember much because a cross fell on my head… I’m a bit of a danger to myself and others, but I’m full of heart and good intentions. What will happen to me and the other sisters? Let’s meet and find out! Good music, a backing band, great choreography and lots of laughter. What else do you need for a good evening?!

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Jakab Tarnóczi – Zsófia Varga

musical scenes from a hotel

role: Mária Kalasz

director: Jakab Tarnóczi

Life is so beautiful while I live for dreams, But who knows what will come next?

We are in a small town hotel. A small town where the newly opened highway doesn’t bring the young people, but takes them away, where the concrete buildings are all overgrown with ivy, but you can hear the song of blackbirds next to the exhaust fumes of speeding cars. A small town hotel in the middle of the forest, where there are more waiters than guests. But if a hunting party, a Russian millionairess or a superstar from the city accidentally wanders in, the manager and the staff will do their best to make sure they stay at least one night. And survive.

The piece is an absurd musical extravaganza based on my own experiences, based on guided improvisations. I play the role of an employee working at the hotel – my exact job title is not fixed here, as everyone here does everything… or nothing. One thing is for sure: my love for classical singing is not diminished by any external circumstances.

And what is the ending? Everyone, find out! 🙂

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Nem élhetek muzsikaszó nélkül

Zsigmond Móricz

genre: musical comedy

role: Veronica

director: István Miko

My blood is dancing, every drop of my blood is dancing!

The uncompromising and unfailing figure of Móricz’s gentry world is Balázs, the landowner from Nyír. He knows exactly how a Hungarian lord has fun! This Balázs loves gaiety, gypsy music, and when the merriment lasts for three days at his gate. However, his wife, Pólika, is a bit different, for her every move is a joke. And if a stubborn, stubborn woman starts to get angry at her lord, she’ll run away and it takes half a village to appease her.

A light comedy of a light, carefree world, in which nothing is irreversible, nothing is fatal. It holds up a mirror to a bygone era, a cheerful but frivolous age of blissful prosperity.

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István Csukás – Ferenc Darvas

genre: children’s tale

role: Ágacska

director: Ági Kökényessy

We believe together and dream life together! Be who you are!

The play has a wonderful message. It is about accepting ourselves and others at the same time. It also helps to shed light on the fact that “life is not only owned by humans.” There is life in animals and plants too, and we must respect that.

According to my role, I am Ágacska, but I don’t really know this during the play. In fact, the whole story is about finding myself while having adventures, making friends and learning a lot about the world. Csukás wrapped the idea of ​​”every life matters” in a beautiful way, which I can perfectly identify with. In addition, Darvas spiced up the play with lovely melodies, which provide beautiful, educational and joyful moments for both young and old.

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From the Orpheum to the Retro Club (Az orfeumtól a retro klubig)

fun musical time travel

director: Ferenc Zenthe Theatre

I need some slush tonight!

A time travel evoking the past, from the most popular couplets, chansons and operettas of the 20s and 30s, to the most popular hits of the 60s and 70s. Interspersed with cheerful cabaret and scenes. The performance includes such songs as: Night on the top of the omnibus, I’ll be waiting for you at the National Theatre tonight, There should be a little hacaçaré tonight, The young men, the young men, the young men are angels, I’m on my way, A sprig of bellflower, It was just a dance…

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Az elveszett és megkerült Jenő avagy ha baj van, kést teszek a sebbe

Jenő Rejtő – János Antal Horváth

classroom theater performance

role: Tátrai, Bakonyi, Sárika

director: Janos Antal Horváth

– Sir! I came for my knife!
– Did you leave it?
– It seems so.
– Where?
– In some sailor.

Jenő Rejtő’s life was full of adventures, but many of them are still shrouded in mystery. For example, the period between 1924 and 1927 is completely forgotten. According to his siblings, he just wandered around, his parents thought he had joined the Foreign Legion, but none of that was true. He tried his hand at all kinds of jobs, while observing people and finally deciding to become a writer and try to do something that no one had ever done before.

In the performance, through Jenő Rejtő’s hilarious antics and excerpts from his novels, we try to “find” him and decipher what might have happened to him before he reached the point of dedicating his life to writing.

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